Master Double Closings on HUD Deals: A Step-by-Step Guide

Master Double Closings on HUD Deals: A Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating double closings on HUD (Housing and Urban Development) deals can be complex, but with the right approach, investors can capitalize on these opportunities. Double closings involve two transactions: the first between the original seller (HUD) and the investor, and the second between the investor and the end buyer.

Understanding Double Closings on HUD Properties

In HUD transactions, the investor must purchase the property before selling it. Quick access to funding is essential. Transactional funding, which provides the necessary capital for the initial purchase, enables a smooth transition to the second closing.

Key Challenges in Double Closings on HUD Deals

HUD deals come with specific rules that complicate double closings. One significant challenge is HUD’s “anti-flipping rule,” which prohibits reselling the property within a set period, typically 90 days. This rule can hinder an investor’s ability to execute a quick double closing.

Finding title companies and transactional funding lenders willing to work on double closings involving HUD properties can also be difficult. Some companies may hesitate due to the perceived risk or complexity. Establishing relationships with experienced professionals familiar with HUD regulations is essential.

Strategies for Successful Double Closings on HUD Deals

To navigate these challenges, investors should adopt strategies that increase the likelihood of successful double closings:

  1. Secure Transactional Funding: Having access to fast funding is crucial. Transactional funding provides the capital to complete the initial purchase from HUD, ensuring the investor can move quickly to the second closing.

  2. Work with Experienced Title Companies: Not all title companies can handle the intricacies of HUD transactions. Partnering with companies with a proven track record in double closings on HUD properties can significantly reduce potential roadblocks.

  3. Be Aware of Resale Restrictions: Timing is everything in HUD deals. Investors must be aware of HUD’s resale restrictions and plan transactions accordingly. If the property is subject to the anti-flipping rule, investors may need to explore alternative strategies, such as holding the property until the restriction period ends.

  4. Leverage Legal and Real Estate Expertise: Engaging a real estate attorney who understands HUD transactions provides invaluable guidance. This expert helps navigate legal requirements, ensure compliance, and prevent costly mistakes.

  5. Stay Informed on HUD Guidelines: HUD regulations can change, and staying updated is vital. Regularly reviewing HUD guidelines and participating in real estate forums help investors stay ahead of any changes that might impact their strategy.

The Role of Transactional Funding in HUD Double Closings

Transactional funding is vital for the success of double closings, especially in HUD deals. This short-term financing solution allows investors to bridge the gap between the initial purchase and the resale. Using transactional funding reduces costs and minimizes the risk of holding the property.


Double closings on HUD deals can be profitable, but they require a careful and informed approach. Securing transactional funding, partnering with experienced professionals, and staying aware of HUD’s resale restrictions enable investors to navigate these complex transactions successfully. Understanding HUD properties’ unique challenges and implementing effective strategies allows investors to capitalize on these opportunities while mitigating risks.

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