Double Closing: Is it Illegal?

is double closing illegal?

Double closing, a maneuver involving two swift real estate transactions for a single property, can spark legal discussions. This guide clarifies the legality of double closing, dives into its mechanics, explores potential legal concerns, and offers best practices for conducting these transactions within legal boundaries.

Understanding Double Closing

Imagine a scenario where you, the investor, act as a bridge between a seller and a final buyer. In double closing, also known as a back-to-back closing, you first purchase the property from the seller. Then, in a quick succession, you resell it to an end buyer, holding the title for a short period. For a more detailed explanation, refer to our article on Double Closing.

Is Double Closing Legal?

The good news? Double closing itself is legal and a recognized strategy for investors seeking quick property flips. However, the legality hinges on the absence of any fraudulent practices. Misrepresenting information or failing to disclose crucial details can bring legal trouble.

When Double Closing Raises Red Flags

  • Inflated Property Values: Artificially inflating the property value during the second transaction is illegal.

  • Hidden Profit Margins: While not always mandatory, failing to disclose large profit margins to lenders or involved parties, when required, can lead to legal issues.

  • Deception: Any deceptive practices, like falsifying information to lenders, sellers, or buyers, render double closing illegal.

Ensuring Legality in Double Closing

  • Transparency is Key: Maintaining transparency with all parties involved is crucial. Be upfront about the nature of the transaction and any profits you expect to make.

  • Follow Lender Rules: Adhere to your lender’s specific policies regarding double closing. Some lenders may have restrictions on this type of transaction.

  • Accurate Valuations: Ensure property appraisals accurately reflect the market value to avoid legal complications.

  • Ethical Practices: Conduct yourself fairly throughout the process. Consulting a real estate attorney for guidance is highly recommended. Additionally, The National Association of Realtors provides resources and referrals for legal advice in real estate matters.

The Role of Title Companies

Title companies play a central role in double closings, handling the legal transfer of property titles and managing the closing process. Working with a reputable title company experienced and comfortable facilitating double closings is essential. However, some companies might be hesitant due to the inherent complexities and risks involved.

Financing the Double Closing

Securing funding for the initial purchase in a double closing scenario can be challenging. Transactional funding offers a short-term solution. This type of financing is commonly used to cover the first purchase, with the proceeds from the second sale used to repay the loan. EMD Transactional Funding is an example of a lender specializing in real estate investment financing.

Best Practices for Double Closing Success

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Ensure the legitimacy of all aspects of the property and both transactions involved.

  • Clear Communication: Maintain clear communication with all parties involved, fostering transparency throughout the process.

  • Plan for the Unexpected: Have backup plans in place to address potential challenges like delays in closing or issues with funding.

  • Stay Legally Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest real estate laws and regulations impacting double closing in your area.


Double closing, while legal, demands strict adherence to legal and ethical standards. Transparency, following lender guidelines, and engaging in fair practices are paramount for success. Seeking legal advice and partnering with reputable professionals are crucial for investors navigating double closings. Industry resources like BiggerPockets can also be invaluable for investors seeking to stay informed about the real estate landscape. With the right approach, double closing can be a legal and effective strategy for real estate investors.

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